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Tonight at Mazzy's!

From: Posh P.
Sent on: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 12:43 PM

Tonight's Poker Tournament is at Mazzy's Norcross, and begins at 8:00pm.  All the regular chip ups apply, including early arrival, bringing a first time posh player, and food/drink purchases.

There's an extra bonus, for those that really read the emails... and as a reward to those, I present to you some poker HAIKU below!


- Jesse


An ace on the flop
I should just muck them
these Kings are no good


Went all in with rags
He is reaching for his chips
My fate is at hand


A gutshot straight draw
My card comes on the river
Poker gods love me


7-2 off suit
Who would have ever thought that
The boat was coming?


And Finally:


R.S.V.P. Now,
Poker at Mazzy's Norcross.
Shuffle up and Deal!



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