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Posh Poker Tonight, Final Tomorrow!

From: Posh P.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 12:15 PM

Come check in with our Thursday evening game at Mazzy’s Norcross tonight at 8pm, as we push through the early weeks of our new Summer season!  Passcode for tonight is RAGING BULL and you will chip up generously for food & drink purchases, early arrival, and by bringing a new player!

Also, for those who qualified, last time reminder that the Posh Poker Quarterly Final Tournament will be held tomorrow evening at Tilted Kilt Roswell, sign up at 6:30, and we will begin at 7pm sharp! You will earn one 5K chip for arriving before 7pm, and one 5K chip for eats & drinks!  Prizes will be announced prior to the start!

See you on the felt!



RSVP: Poker tonight at Mazzy's Norcross


RSVP: Season Final Tournament -- Friday 7:00pm, Tilted Kilt

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