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New Meetup: Laser Tag, Lunch, and Happy Hour

From: Kim C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 10:29 AM
Back by Popular Demand

Hello Everyone,

Now it's time for our next Meetup. Last year, this was a very popular meetup and a lot of fun. Space is limited so reserve your spot early.

Laser Tag, Lunch, and Happy Hour

Laser Tag
We will start our Saturday afternoon off with a brief meet and mingle and introductions. From there we will jump into the action at XP Laser Sport with a game of laser tag. But XP is more than just an individual laser tag game, it's a team sport that requires strategy and teamwork if you are to survive.

Lunch and Happy Hour

After our game of laser tag and after working up an appetite, we have a reservation next door at the Lounge of Red Sky Steak and Fish House. There, we will be able to reflect on the fun we had playing laser tag, get to know each other a little more, and enjoy 1/2 price appetizers and drink specials.

The menu includes: Sushi and Maki Rolls, Crab Cakes, Wings, Sandwiches, Burgers, Oysters, Soups, Salads, Martini's, Margaritas, and a huge draft selection, and many other items.

The cost for the event is $20 and you can pay online here through Pay Pal. It is necessary to pay in advance so that we have an accurate count for laser tag and the lounge because we need to reserve both in advance.

You can also pay by going to

Please let us know if you have any questions. And like always, feel free to bring friends. We hope to see you there!

*Fun, Positive, and Mature...Life begins after 25!
Laser Tag, Lunch, and Happy Hour