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From: Leila
Sent on: Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 3:46 PM

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that it's the 10th (yes! we have have been around for 10 years!!!) PABC Christmas Party next week!

The shindig is taking place on Thursday 5th December, 7pm, where you get to party like it's the last party before whatever apocalypse is prophesied next.

We will be in the upstairs function room and everyone is welcome. It will be a fun evening where we can relax and talk about something other than a book, although book talk is also allowed.


In keeping with PABC tradition, there will be an apocalyptic Secret Santa. If you want to take part, please bring along a dystopian gift which will be distributed on the night. It can be based on a book, film, a piece of music or anything dystopian that takes your fancy. You can spend as little as you like but no more than £5. This is also totally optional and only those who brought gifts will get gifts in return.


I will be placing an order with the pub for buffet food. The kitchen will more than likely be closed for regular orders on the night as in previous year.

If anyone would like to eat, you are more than welcome to the buffet I will be ordering in return for a donation towards the cost.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP below:

Looking forward to celebrating with you all!


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