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What we’re about

Welcome to a book club for books connected to postliberalism: for what postliberalism is, this article gives a good overview: We read books that critique contemporary society and contemporary liberalism, generally from a conservative perspective, though we also read some defenses of liberalism, and generally interesting books on history, politics etc.

We read roughly one book every six weeks, then meet in a central London pub to discuss it. For the first couple of hours we will discuss the book, then stay on for some general post-liberal discussion. We also do other occasional social events.

The rules of the book club meetings are:
1. You must have read the book (or at least a good amount of it) to attend.
2. Everyone must make an effort to keep discussion on the book until we've finished discussing it.
3. One or two of us will act as a moderator to keep discussion on track

We vote on each book we're going to read. Here's a partial list of books we've read so far (also see the past events):

The Fourth Political Theory (Alexander Dugin)
Feminism Against Progress (Mary Harrington)
Liberalism and its Discontents (Francis Fukuyama)
The Final Pagan Generation (Edward J. Watts)
Why Liberalism Failed (Patrick Deneen)
The Idea of Decline in Western History (Arthur Herman)
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution (Louise Perry)
The Meaning of Conservatism (Roger Scruton)
Whiteshift (Eric Kaufmann)
The Last Superstition: a refutation of the new atheism (Edward Feser)
Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass (Theodore Dalrymple)
The Demon in Democracy (Ryszard Legutko)