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What we’re about

This will be a local chapter of Together Women Rise. Since many people aren't familiar with that group I gave the Meetup a name that might attract more people.

Together Women Rise is a powerful community of women and allies dedicated to achieving global gender equality. We have hundreds of local chapters across the U.S. where members learn about and advocate for gender equalityissues, give grants to organizations that empower women and girls in low-income countries, and build community to forge meaningful connections that increase our strength and collective impact.

How do we achieve our goal?

The basic concept - Attendmonthly Pot Luck meeting (as your schedule permits); Learn about that month's selected country and project; Make a donation of any size (some suggest at least donating what you would have spent if you went out to dinner that night.)

The meeting format is very simple:
... Gather for a Meal with Dishes provided by each of us. 

... Listen to and Watch a brief but powerful and informative Presentation about that month's project and country
... Followed up by Dessert and Discussion and Socializing
... Make a Donation **

That's it. 

Simple. Powerful. Effective.
********You can bring a Check or Credit Card or Cash to Make a Donation at the Meeting.
Remember, there is no minimum donation amount required.

(But If you are wondering what might be a reasonable amount to start, keep in mind the organization was founded with the idea of donating what you would have spent if you went out to dinner.)

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