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Tuesday Hikes in the Upper Barton Creek Greenbelt


Welcome hikers to our Tuesday hikes in the Barton Creek Greenbelt. These recurring Tuesday hikes will start at my house at 9 AM and will generally be at a slower pace than our traditional walks with a greater emphasis on tuning into nature. These hikes will be around 5 miles, explore some new trails, and will last approximately 3.0 hours. There will be some up and down on these hikes so you should have at least a modicum of decent conditioning. And some good shoes to walk in! This hike will happen rain or shine so dress appropriately. Bring some water to drink and a snack or two to munch on while we wander in the Barton Creek Wilderness Park.

NOTE: Many of the trails are steep, rooty and rocky (“technical”) and may contain obstacles including trees with low branches, rocks and boulders, ledges, obscure roots and loose gravel. After a rain there may be standing water and mud. Rocks and roots can be very slippery. Attendance is your acknowledgment of the potential risks and acceptance that anything can happen at anytime for any reason. If you lack hiking experience or have balance or health issues this Meetup is not for you.

Proper preparation is essential. Eat breakfast - your body is an engine that needs fuel to perform. You should bring water and consider a snack, hat, walking stick, sunscreen, bug spray and clothing that “wicks.” I always wear water-proof hiking boots for foot protection and stability. A rewarding hiking experience comes from being well prepared and having the right equipment.

ALL hikers must sign a liability release/waiver prior to hiking.

Please note that only with special permission will dogs be allowed on this hike .

Hope to see you here!


PS. We will have a 'chat-n-chew' (your own food) post-hike gathering for those who want to stay.

Photo of PrimeTime ATX group
PrimeTime ATX
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jeffrey solomon
5216 Magdelena Dr. · Austin, TX