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NVPPA Photographers - Board Meeting - We Need Committee Chairs - Volunteer!

Photo of Philip Brasch
Hosted By
Philip B.


RSVP Required.

We'd like to add you to our management team. We are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and smart-working team. Please let us know if you're qualified...

Please read and understand the Member's Promise ( We are a volunteer organization so members are only entitled to what each board member and committee member donates of their time, dedication, and enthusiastic attention.

We need committee chairs / volunteers in the areas of:

• Monthly Room Setup

• Hospitality

• Registration and Attendance

review Attendance Reconciliation procedure

• Membership

review backup procedures
review where primary copy of database resides
review doc, "NVPPA Membership QA - Policy and Procedure"
review lapsed membership procedures and policy
review meeting cancellation credit and procedure
review Google Drive folder organization
review Welcome Letter procedures, template, and when this is used
review PayPal payment notification procedure
review taking payments at a monthly meeting/workshop

• Marketing/Communications, including Email Marketing

• PPA Affiliation Committee

• Competition

Some other specialized roles in Social Media Marketing, SEO, branding, newsletter programs, membership outreach & administration, public relations ads & campaigns, website development, data administration, and database design are needed.

We welcome your suggestions, and as a result, you must offer your time to work on them plus other prioritized projects that will benefit the organization, and thus, your business.


• Is this your first S-C meeting? If so, please contact Philip Brasch via his profile (or email) prior to attending the meeting. We invite responsible, leader-members!

• Are you a Gold Member invested in NVPPA? These Board / S-C meetings are specifically for invested members (dues-invested) only. If you're not, please join NVPPA by clicking the Donate button in the sidebar.

• Have you attended at least 2 monthly meetings? In order to have knowledgeable and informed leaders of NVPPA, we request that you attend at least 2 monthly meetings or NVPPA events prior to your participation on the S-C.

You can also review our Mission Statement, Membership Objectives, and Member's Promise. ( Please take our poll for BENEFITS ( as a member of NVPPA.

I look forward to your commitment to the growth and prosperity of NVPPA and its members...


Philip Brasch, President & Founder
(If you don't have my email or phone number, first please contact me with your email and a message via my Meetup Profile.)

Photo of NVPPA: Northern Virginia Professional Photographers | VA DC group
NVPPA: Northern Virginia Professional Photographers | VA DC
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2804 Prince William Pkwy · Woodbridge, VA
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