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International Space Agency

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International Space Agency

Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!

International Space Agency


Who we are

International Space Agency “ISA” was formed to act as an “Enabler” and “Conduit” for Peaceful, Cooperative, Collaborative, and Joint Global “International” Civil Space Activities by the Major Space Nations, Developing Space Nations, and In General the Global Space Community; to Plan, Develop, Promote, Encourage, and Increase Overall Cooperation in the Area of Government, Commercial, Scientific, Academic, Private Cooperative Global Space Efforts and Activities, for Strictly Peaceful and Non-Military, Purposes, and to the Common Benefit of the Peoples of Earth. Organization was Founded 1986 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Incorporated in NY State as Scientific & Aerospace – Research & Development & Consulting, NonProfit Corporation 1990, and is Presently Seeking International Treaty Status.

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