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New Meetup: Coastal Hike in Pacifica, then socialize at "A Grape in the Fog"

From: Sumi
Sent on: Saturday, August 14, 2010, 10:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Progressive Singles of the SF Bay Area!

What: Coastal Hike in Pacifica, then socialize at "A Grape in the Fog"

When: Sunday, August 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Chit Chat Cafe at the Pier
2100 Beach Blvd
Pacifica, CA 94044

A new member suggested a nice walk near her house in Pacifica.

The start location is outside the cafe at the beginning of Pacifica pier on the promenade which is called Beach Boulevard (I will confirm this). There is a free parking area right opposite.

The coastal walk from the Pacifica Pier goes all the way to Linda Mar, but you can stop at Rockaway for coffee if preferred and that is about 2 1/2 miles. We will have a car at the end so we can drive back. The walk is partly along the coast, partly on a fairly new trail in open space. It is very pretty and no big hills, just a high staircase at one point with a lovely view at the top. We'll stop at a new place with good reviews, "A Grape in the Fog." Walking, coffee, eating are all good ways to connect as a group, get to know each other and share thoughts and ideas.

There are nice days in the foggy period and overcast days in the sunny one. The weather here is like the ocean part of SF and is unpredictable. The walk is beautiful whenever but it is especially lovely when the sun shines.

Venue in Rockaway called "A Grape in the Fog"

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