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Find a Startup Project to Get Involved In

Photo of Matt
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Find a Startup Project to Get Involved In


Welcome to Startup Oasis!

If you are a startup founder, developer, UX designer, marketer, or anyone else in the tech ecosystem looking to start, join, or help a tech startup, this event is for you!

Startup founders pitch their business or idea to the audience like on Shark Tank. Except there are no winners, and founders are not pitching for money. Instead, founders get their own breakout room to continue building, workshopping, and/or onboarding the startup with attendees. You'll be able to pick a group to join.

This is a brand-new type of structure that has never existed before, and there is so much direct value for all parties. Startup Oasis was created to pierce the illusion of accessibility of startups and tech by creating a grassroots forum for early-stage founders to pitch to those in the tech ecosystem to get real-time feedback for their idea or business. See our overview video for more info!


12:00pm SGT
Introductions - we will give you the backstory of Startup Oasis and ask founders if they would like to pitch their startups.

Pitches - each founder gets 3 minutes to pitch their startup. This format is recommended: name, business, the problem, your solution, target customer base, and your biggest challenge/current need. This part is similar to Shark Tank.

12:25pm – onward
Breakouts - each founder gets a breakout room, and you can talk to the founders in greater detail their about their needs and challenges. This part is similar to a hackathon.

Use this link to:

  • Follow us on LinkedIn
  • Join our community on Discord
  • Donate to our cause
  • Visit our website


  1. If you would like to pitch your tech startup, tell us about your business in the Zoom chat when we start. If you want to join a startup or just watch, we will give you instructions when the event starts.
  2. Our events are free, there is no cost to attend.
  3. This is an international event, we ask that you pitch in English if you are able to do so.
  4. We ask that you come to the meetup to listen to others and give advice.
  5. If you would like to stay connected with us, use this link.
  6. We do this event in Atlanta, USA each month. We will visit your city in the future to do this event in person. If you'd like to help us organize, please let us know!

Welcome to Startup Oasis! This event listing is for our virtual events (founders pitch, then we move to curated break-out rooms).

We will introduce projects for you to get involved with during the pitches. There is no group like this on Meetup or in the startup world because we filter out the BS and get you going on a project ASAP. No judges, no winner, and no time-consuming feedback.

If you are a startup founder, investor, developer, marketer, entrepreneur, or anyone else in the tech ecosystem looking to start, join, or help a tech startup, this event is for you! Startup founders pitch their business to the audience (similar to Shark Tank), then they will join their own breakout room to get feedback from the attendees (similar to a hackathon). People have been able to start a business as a result of this process. If you would like to pitch, please RSVP here, and sign up at check-in on the day of the event.

We are bringing our popular in-person format to a virtual version that we will host each month! Founders pitch their startup to you in 3 minutes or less. They will get a breakout room so you can talk with them in greater detail about their business or even get started on it right then and there!

12:00 PM SST - Startup Oasis begins virtually on Zoom
12:03 PM - Networking
12:10 PM - Founders Pitch
12:45PM - Founders and interested tech talent can join together in different break-out rooms and get started on a deep dive or even further development on a current startup!

Startup Oasis was created to pierce the illusion of accessibility of startups and tech by creating a grassroots forum for early-stage founders to pitch to those in the tech ecosystem to get real-time feedback for their idea or business.

Photo of Projects for Developers & Tech Professionals group
Projects for Developers & Tech Professionals
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