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New Practical Metaphysics Radio Show TONIGHT

From: Shannon S.
Sent on: Monday, August 24, 2009, 11:39 AM
Hello Everyone,

We have a very new and exciting radio show.

Our first show is tonight at 9PM EDT in the U.S. Go to to check out the show and listen via the computer and join the chat room or call (347)[masked] to listen ...via your phone (you will have to mute your computer sound to do both) You can ask a question on the air too! "See you there!"

You are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. You have amazing wisdom. You are your own best kept secret! You have a unique life purpose, strong inner guidance and great gifts of practical "psychic" sensitivity. Now is the time to tap all of your resources. Discover your answers by being your own best intuitive. Become your own effective healer. Be a masterful meditator. Reveal your "inner psychic."

Love and Light,

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