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Weekly Radio Show--Our first bilingual show! Listen online or call in

From: Shannon S.
Sent on: Friday, September 11, 2009, 1:33 PM
"Practical Spirituality in Soul to Soul Relationships"
Julia Santiago and Susan Kellogg share on our first Bilinqual Show!

Soul to Soul Radio
"The Clear Voice for Practical Metaphysics and Spirituality"

Our first Spanish/English Bilingual Show featuring
Julia Santiago and Susan Kellogg on:

Practical Spirituality in Soul to Soul Relationships!

Monday, September 14th at 8pm CST
Website access:
Call/listen in line: [masked]

See show notes below for more instructions

When it comes to knowing the keys for creating successful relationships founded on a practical spiritual approach, no one is more experienced than Julia Santiago and Susan Kellogg.

These two spiritual grandmother sages have taught school in the inner city, raised thriving and prosperous families, lectured and facilitated spiritually guiding workshops, consulted privately with a vast diversity of people and traveled internationally - all the while maintaining a body/mind/spirit balance that is a shining example to everyone!

Julia will be sharing in both Spanish and English, so let everyone, including your Spanish speaking friends and colleagues, know about how to join the show.

Co-hosting the show will be Louise Simmons from Melbourne, Australia, an amazingly balanced and gifted visionary in her own right.

You won't want to miss the tips, the fun and humor, the heart tugging stories and your own personal healing that will come from this show.

Show notes:

**To listen to the show via your computer after you go to, simply click on "Join the Clear Voice for Practical Metaphysics and Spirituality" on that nights 'Episode'. You should start hearing the show. There should be a place that says "Click to Talk' next to the call in phone number. When the host lets you in, this will let you talk via your computer if you have the headset/mic technology.

**We have expanded the show to up to an hour and a half to allow time for more questions, etc.

**You can listen to archived shows by going to On Demand Episodes on the main Soul to Soul Radio page.

The mission of Soul to Soul Radio is to be a voice for the programs inspired by Dr. Francisco Coll including Inner Peace Movement Programs, Profound Mystical Meditation, Astro-Soul, Growing Executives of Tomorrow and the Americana Leadership College.

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