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Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus | Fiction Book Club

Photo of Eugene Kernes
Hosted By
Eugene K.
Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus | Fiction Book Club


Suggested by: Book Shop Event
Pages to read: 180
ISBN: 9780307278586

Eugene's review of the book (Blog Link, Click Here)

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Forthcoming Similar Events:
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4 - Fiction - 10/12/2024 = Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
5 - Fiction - 11/16/2024 = The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

The club has costs. If you appreciate the event, support the club. Contribute via:

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While reading the collection, consider the below questions:
•What is the raison d’etre of the book? For what purpose did the author write the book? Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•To whom would you suggest this book?
•What effect do authors have on their readers?
•What inspired these stories?
•What are the themes of the stories?
•What choices are presented to the characters?
•What backgrounds do the characters come from?
•How are the characters challenged?

While reading The Adulterous Wife, consider the below questions:
•Where are Janine and Marcel going?
•Why is Janine referenced as an ‘Adulterous Wife’ in the title?
•Is there love between Janine and Marcel?
•What are Janine and Marcel differences?
•What does Janine want?
•How is Janine’s faith tested?
•Does Janine reconcile Janine’s roots with Marcel?

While reading The Renegade, or A Confused Mind, consider the below questions:
•Who is the narrator?
•Where does the narrator’s missionary work lead the narrator?
•How does the narrator interact with those in Taghaza?
•Why does the narrator want vengeance and against whom?
•How does the narrator’s loyalty changes?
•Who does the narrator betray?

While reading The Voiceless, consider the below questions:
•Who is Yvars?
•What does Yvars do?
•Can Yvars change professions?
•What happens where Yvars works?
•How does work place interactions change after the strike?
•Who depends on Yvars?

While reading The Guest, consider the below questions:
•Who is Daru?
•What is the situation in the region?
•Who is Balducci?
•Why does Balducci bring the prisoner to Daru?
•What must Dary do with the prisoner?
•What did the prisoner do to become a prisoner?
•Can the prisoner escape?
•Should Daru transport the prisoner?

While reading Jonas, or The Artist at Work, consider the below questions:
•What does Jonas think of others?
•What is Jonas belief system?
•What happened to Jonas parents?
•How did Jonas become an artist?
•How did Jonas meet Louise?
•How did Jonas become famous?
•How did Jonas’s attention become divided?
•What is the point of disciples?
•How does Jonas manage attention?

While reading The Growing Stone, consider the below questions:
•Who is d’Arrast?
•Why did d’Arrast come to Brazil?
•How is d’Arrast treated?
•What happens to the chief of police?
•Who is Socrates?
•What miracle is taking place in the grotto that people celebrate as a holiday?
•Who is the cook?
•What promise did the cook make?
•Why did the cook want d’Arrast to come to the celebration?
•What happened at the celebration?
•What happens when the cook carries the stone?

Your questions are important and will take priority. If you have questions about the book's content or related ideas, either let me know what your questions are or raise them during the discussion.

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