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Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson | Book Club

Photo of Eugene Kernes
Hosted By
Eugene K.
Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson | Book Club


Suggested by: Extra
Pages to read: 341
ISBN: 9781594203053 (Originally listed edition, & Edition Eugene is using)

Eugene's review of the book (Blog Link, Click Here)

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Forthcoming Similar Events:
1 - Part of Civilization - 06/22/2024 = Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
2 - Competition - 07/06/2024 = The Darwin Economy by Robert H. Frank
3 - Roman Empire - 07/13/2024 = SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard
4 - Civilization - 08/03/2024 = Inadequate Equilibria: Civilizations Get Stuck by Eliezer Yudkowsky
5 - Part of Civilization - 09/07/2024 = Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity by Eric D. Beinhocker

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While reading the book, consider the below questions:
•What is the raison d’etre of the book? For what purpose did the author write the book? Why do people read this book?
•What are some limitations of the book?
•Why did the east and west have a power and wealth reversal?
•What factors were involved in the rise of the west?
•How did competition effect society?
•What was science used for?
•Why was science valued in the west and not the east?
•Who made the Enlightenment possible?
•What are property rights?
•How did medicine effect society?
•Is a consumer society only for consumption?
•How did infinite choice become homogenizing societies?
•How does a work ethic effect society?
•What was the source of the west’s work ethic?
•Who made most of history?
•How to think about history?
•What are the aspects of civilization?
•What happened to the voyages of Zheng He?
•What did Bolivar want for South America?
•What kind of democracy did Hugo Chávez have?
•Why did the British use coal?
•How was a consumer society formed?
•What is the effect of religion?

Your questions are important and will take priority. If you have questions about the book's content or related ideas, either let me know what your questions are or raise them during the discussion.

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