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Please welcome Andrew Nacin to the Raleigh WordPress Meetup Group

From: Steve M.
Enviado em: quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010 19:12
Michael, Craig and I would like to welcome Andrew Nacin to our Meetup group. For those who don't know Andrew, he is one of only eight people in the world who have core commit access for the WordPress project. Andrew is a respected and hard working member of the team and has contributed considerably to the code of WordPress and the features and functionality we all get to enjoy. He is an exceptionally knowledgeable resource and we will be encouraging him to attend as many Meetups as possible and hopefully speak at a future Meetup.

Andrew will be attending the next Meetup on Tuesday 5th October where Glenn Ansley will be presenting about Custom Post Types and Taxonomies so please come out and meet Andrew and welcome him to our group.


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