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New Meetup: Best Practices on using WordPress and Step-by-Step on Themes

From: Pat
Enviado em: quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010 17:23
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin WordPress Meetup Group!

What: Best Practices on using WordPress and Step-by-Step on Themes

When: Tuesday, August 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Cospace
911 W Anderson Lane Suite 203
Austin, TX 78757

Did everyone get upgraded to WordPress 3.0? For August, we're returning to our dual-track format - those new to WordPress and those more advanced.

In the Beginner Track, we're going to go through Best Practices in using WordPress. How do I take WordPress and the idea I have for my website and bring the two into sync? We'll go through Posts, Pages, attachments, categories, tags - the differences and similarities between all of them. When to use a Page instead of a Post & vice-versa. How they help you optimize your site so it's effective.

In the advanced side of things, we're covering the Meetup Idea of Building a Wordpress Theme. We'll be going into the code on this one - there's just no other way to create a working theme without seeing, understanding and writing code. The idea is to quickly go through the necessary and common files we'd need to make a Blog theme in WordPress.

Hope to see everyone here!

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