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Sponsors and Meetup planning

From: Tim B.
Enviado em: quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014 12:06

I have recently been in contact with nearly 20 different companies about sponsoring DSM WordPress meetup and the future WordCamp Des Moines. So far, 3 companies have responded with potential interest. I am uploading a file called Sponsor Packages and I would like all members to review it and make any suggestions here in this discussion.

I am considering making the December meetup a planning event or maybe just scheduling a single EXTRA event for this (if I can get it approved by DMACC). In that event, we will discuss these sponsorship packages, vote on WordCamp Des Moines Organizing committee, and vote on the rules I previously submitted. I also thinkg it is important to vote for other leadership roles including: treasurer, secretary, media liason, etc. We will discuss which roles need filled, then we can vote for each position.

Thanks all!



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