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pug sitting in June

From: john
Sent on: Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 3:54 PM

Hi, is anybody available (or know somebody) to pug sit Emmy and Chewy in early June-- it's 9 or 10 days and  I've paid 30/day if that is acceptable.  Some of you met Emmy (black female, age 7) and Chewy (fawn male, age 10 in July), and they're great dogs-- I'd like for them to stay in someone's home who has pugs (or a similar dog ) but the main thing is for them to be in a place where they'll be loved and do what they do--nap, sit next to you, eat, nap, etc...  My previous sitters have moved, will soon move,  or have retired, so I'm looking for someone or a family who would like to have my two pugs over for just over a week.  Please let me know.  Thanks, John   ps, you can contact me through this site or text or call me at[masked].  I'd provide all their food and some bedding etc., for them too.



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