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Fundraiser for SEPRA 12/8/12

From: Bill
Sent on: Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 7:19 AM

Hello members,

I received the email below from a SEPRA supporter announcing a fundraiser she is organizing, and am passing it along for your information, since SEPRA is our adopted service organization.


If you have an interest in attending, please contact her directly.



Asst. Organizer


Hi Mary! I recently found out that SEPRA's annual fundraiser PugFest had low attendance in October and as a result, the organization has had to stop taking in new pug rescues. See the story here:

Myself and a few others have come together to put together an event next Saturday (12/8) at Glamour Paws in the Highlands where for a donation of $50, pug owners can come and get their pug's photo with Santa, a dog treat and a raffle ticket with which they can win prizes such as a bottle of "Pug Wine" ( and more. There will be a DJ and Holiday Cocktails as well.


Is there a way I could promote the event to the Meetup group?

Thank you in advance for your time!


Ashley Baber
Owner + Principal Planner
Ashley Baber Weddings 
Ring: [masked]
Write: [address removed] 


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