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Open House & Member Meeting

Photo of Aushra
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Open House & Member Meeting


Open to the Public!

Come see what Pumping Station: One is about. Bring your questions, enthusiasm, curiosity and maybe a friend.

Member meeting starts on at 8 pm in the lounge. Open house attendees will get a tour of the space, Q&A session and a bit of an orientation about how the space works. PS1 members generally don't RSVP for the Meetup, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Open house attendees can meet and mingle with members after member meeting business is concluded.

Pumping Station: One identifies as a hackerspace. For more information about this and other hackerspaces, see

A hackerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, makerspace or hackspace) is a community-operated, (often "Not For Profit" (501(c)(3) in the United States), work space where people with common interests, often in computers, machining, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, tinker, build, socialize and collaborate. Hackerspaces have also been compared to other community-operated organizations with similar aims and mechanisms such as FabLab, and commercial for-profit companies such as TechShop.

Photo of Pumping Station: One group
Pumping Station: One
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Every week on Tuesday

Pumping Station One: Lounge
3519 N. Elston Ave · Chicago, IL
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