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OT: Gotwood Field Board Game League

From: Tony G.
Sent on: Saturday, February 16, 2013, 10:58 AM
Hey guys,

My apologies for the off-topic post but you may remember me mentioning a Settlers of Catan tournament last year for the Gamer Sunday birthday. Well, it was a smash hit and it has spun into its own board game league called Gotwood Field:

Tomorrow will be our third tournament and we have 6 spots left. Join while you can. We will probably close the group to new members once we can sustain monthly 16-player tournaments.

Free Settlers of Catan Tournament - Register Here
Sunday (tomorrow) @ 1pm
Dickens Pub - 1000 9 Avenue SW

And if you've never been to a Gamer Sunday yet, you tooootally should. I'm usually there around 3 or 4pm every week.


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