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What we’re about

Qi Gong is fantastic practice that is not well understood nor appreciated in the western world. Qi Gong works directly with the energy body. It's long been called the way of effortless power. Qi Gong is easy yet extremely powerful. It gives you more energy than it takes.
I'm a person who loves yang activities (HIIT workouts, intense yoga, surfing, etc). However, I have truly maximized my health with the yin (passive) quality of Qi Gong. In Qi Gong we stay in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) fostering healing and the intake of new fresh energy. It is the mother of Tai Chi and thousands of years old. It is movement meditation practiced by millions of people. I'm passionate about it and would like to share it with others.

In the group we will practice Qi Gong (directly translated as, energy work.) I'm a Universal Healing Tao instructor under Taoist Grandmaster Mantak Chia. I'm currently studying with Qi Gong master Lee Holden. So I am well versed in the meditative and movement flow aspects of Qi Gong.

The class is for anyone interested in improving and increasing their energetic flow and overall health and well being. Qi Gong can be modified to benefit anyone regardless of physical condition. In most western exercise we say, "no pain, no gain." In Qi Gong we say, "no pain, no pain." The exercises are gentle and should feel good. Older folks can restore and maintain health and younger people can soar and greatly increase their normal functioning if they will give Qi Gong an honest try.

This in the park Qi Gong is a solo endeavor. I have no affiliation to religion or any other organization. I simply would like to share a practice that has benefited me greatly.

Donations will be kindly accepted.