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Generative AI and Beyond

Photo of Il Young Chung
Hosted By
Il Young C.
Generative AI and Beyond


*Fundamentals of Generative AI and Its Evolution from Traditional AI
*Overview of Generative AI Tools and Platforms
*Use Cases and Applications
*Technical Principles of Generative AI
* AI Governance: Regulatory Frameworks and Policy Considerations
*Societal Implications
* Ethical Implications
*The future of Generative AI

Martin Musiol earned his Master’s in Computational Science & Engineering (elite program) from the
Technical University of Munich (TUM).

His professional milestones are:

1.formerly with Airbus and IBM Consulting, and until 31.12.2023, active as GenAI Lead for EMEA at Infosys, a global consultancy; led multiple teams across Europe and the Middle East.

2.founder and CEO of, a platform with over 36,000 newsletter subscribers (mainly tech and AI professionals), training provider, and creator of the's first online course on generative AI.

4. regular keynote speaker globally about (generative) AI since 2016.

5. author of the book Generative AI - Navigating the Course to the Artificial General

Intelligence Future, published by Wiley & Son. Please checkout this link:

6. chair of Generative AI World 2024, a conference in Arizona, USA.

7.LinkedIn Profile at (around 20k followers)

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