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Dickens Pub Gamer Sunday ->Pulp Cthulhu: Two-Headed Serpent Campaign

Photo of Vicki
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Dickens Pub Gamer Sunday ->Pulp Cthulhu: Two-Headed Serpent Campaign


This is for Calgary Folks, its an in-person game played at Dickens Pub's Monthly Gamer Sundays.

WE made it out of the JUNGLES OF BOLIVIA!! With a very DEAD Mummy!

New Characters and a New Mission to North Borneo!
We survived the Plane attack! Now time to enter the JUNGLE!

The Two-Headed Serpent is an action-packed, globe spanning pulp campaign set in the 1930s for Pulp Cthulhu. The heroes face the sinister conspiracies of an ancient race of monsters hell-bent on taking back a world that was once theirs. Working for Caduceus, a medical aid organization the heroes find themselves in the middle of Bolivia's war torn jungles , trying to deliver supplies to aid camp. The world needs heroes, now more than ever!

***If you like the flavour of Indiana Jones and the Mummy Films, you will like this campaign.***

Campaign Notes:
I hope to run the entire campaign over the next 6 - 9 months.
To do that I will be using the same pre-generated characters so the story line can move from session to session smoothly and so Players don't need to commit for the entire campaign, but can come and try it out.

Length: 4 hrs.
Time: Monthly
Players: Minimum 3 - Maximum 6.
Characters: Pre-generated Characters will be provided or make your own as a group.
Beginner Friendly, no experience necessary. I'm New to Pulp Cthulhu too, so we can learn together.
Safety Tool: X-Card
Location: Dickens Pub, Calgary, Canada, Doors Open at 12:00 PM and Game begins at 1:00 PM
Content Warnings: horror, insanity, body harm, possession, violence, undead, imprisonment, human sacrifice, war, character death, aliens??.

Pulp Cthulhu is an expansion of the Call of Cthulhu 7E Rule set.
The FREE quick start rules are here:

Pulp Cthulhu Pre-Gen Character Library:

Call of Cthulhu has always been about Investigators, normal people who get drawn into the mysteries of the Cthulhu Mythos and attempt to contain, banish, or destroy its horrors. The usual course of a game is to find clues and determine a way to deal with the threat. This seldom involves combat. Indeed, more crucial to a character than Hit Points are Sanity Points, a trait rated on a scale of 0 to 00 with higher being better. As you encounter the horrors of the Mythos, you are at risk of losing Sanity. Lose enough, you go temporarily insane. Lose it all, and your character is mad forever.

Learn More with this great YouTube Review and How to play series by Seth Skorkowsky:

Historical Setting Fluidity (Adapted from Agon)
The racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and other bigotries of the past can be confronted head on or set aside as you see fit. This game is an opportunity for you and your friends to hang out and have fun telling a rousing story—be mindful and include the elements that everyone wants to explore; discard the rest.

On that note, this game doesn’t demand traditional gender roles and identities for the characters—every type of person can be a hero. The same goes for characters with disabilities. All heroes are welcome on this epic journey, where the splendor of their deeds will write their names in legend.

We follow the Safe Space Code of Conduct on the ABOUT page of this meetup and use the X-card as a safety tool.

Sometimes we need a defined space to call our own to feel safe in. This is a pro-2SLGBTQIA+ series for both queer players and their queer characters, Allies are welcome.

Photo of QUEER Questing and Allies Tabletop RPGs group
QUEER Questing and Allies Tabletop RPGs
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1000 9 Ave SW · Calgary, AB