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What we’re about

Settlers is the best board game ever! How could it not be: the board shuffles every time you play, when it's not your turn you're still doing things, and we finally have an outlet for talking smack about sheep!

This is an inclusive, non-competitive, non-tournament group. We play first-and-foremost to make new friends, if you win any of your games that’s just a bonus :) This group is for easy-going, friendly, welcoming, and social types of people. We're hoping to play once a month on Friday evenings.

If you don’t know how to play, there are plenty of online videos that will teach you the rules. It’s okay if you know how to play but haven’t played in awhile, or if you read the rules but need to see them in practice… we’ll help refresh your memory, or give some explanation as we play, but we will not teach you how to play.

We understand that attending an event by yourself can be overwhelming. We will greet you as you come in and make sure that you’re in good company during your stay.