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Special Invitation

From: Dr. Ritamarie L.
Sent on: Friday, December 27, 2013, 10:58 AM

Hello Raw Foodist Friends!

Re: Special Invitation for Holistic Health Practitioners

Where: Austin, Texas

When: January 10-12, 2014

What: Scientific Investigation of Nutritional Endocrinology (S.H.I.N.E.)

My name is Stacie Cole and I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you at Dr. Ritamarie’s monthly Raw Food Potlucks.

It’s truly such a joy to meet so many deeply health conscious individuals who appreciate the wisdom that the earth has provided us in synergistic union with our bodies and overall health.

Many of us have success stories of Dr. Ritamarie helping us to balance our hormones, when other practitioners couldn’t. I remember asking her once…”why aren’t other practitioners doing this?” Her answer was: no one is taught this level of deep digging in schools.

That’s why scores of us who know about it are so excited to hear that Dr. Ritamarie is doing a transformational 3 day intensive here in Austin on January 10-12.

It’s called Scientific and Holistic Investigation of Nutritional Endocrinology (S.H.I.N.E.). This is the event in which you, your colleagues, and your friends who are in the holistic health arena can learn her systematic methods for balancing hormones and turning its many devastating health challenges on its head.

Since Austin is extremely progressive with natural health, I didn’t want to take the chance of anyone who has been searching for something exactly like this to add to your healing modalities—to miss out, by simply not knowing about it.

For a taste of what you can expect: if you are a nutrition coach, chiropractor, naturopath, holistic health practitioner, or nutritionist, or you aspire to a career in holistic health and nutrition... check out this free webinar on December 30th at 6 pm Central time, to help you grow your business and change more lives.

Thanks for reading and what could be better than building our amazing community with some of the best healers on the planet?

Have a wonderful 2014!

See you Saturday December 28th at the next potluck.

Stacie Cole

P.S. feel free to forward this email to any special holistic health practitioners you would love to see have this in-depth training in how to balance the master command center of the body, transform lives, and help heal this planet, one person at a time.

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