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New Meetup: Austin Raw Food Diet, Vegan Meetup and Movie Group June Meetup

From: Dr. Ritamarie L.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 11:32 AM
I've changed the time to 6:30. I have a workshop earlier and will need the extra time to get home and ready.

What: Austin Raw Food Diet, Vegan Meetup and Movie Group June Meetup

When: June 27,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Dr. Ritamarie's House 9508 Bell Mountain Drive Austin Texas 78730


I look forward to re-connecting at 6:30 PM for a fabulous evening of food, friends and fun. We'll share a health inspiring DVD or empowering presentation.

Bring your swimsuits and towels if you'd like to take a dip or soak in the hot tub after dinner

Please go to for guidelines about what to bring.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!!

Love, Health and Joy

Dr. Ritamarie

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