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What we’re about

Our discord server link gets broken after a week of creation. if the link below doesn't work, try searching "React chennai" and try to join manually.

Our core purpose is to support the React community in Chennai to experience innovations as earliest as possible and help you get recognition that spreads outside of your organization. Get to know about opportunities near by and get common feedback on the mistakes most of us do from the recruiters.

While we haven't created an Event yet, we want to hear from everyone of you to build a stronger community and get actual speakers from the react community.

To do this, we are going to use the linkedIn group actively which is available at and for Events alone, use Meetup.

~~We have a discord server now - [](

About us:
Welcome all web developers both React and non-react, We are an online and in person tech-enthusiast group hosting live speaking events on a range of tech topics surrounding React Library & its frameworks(Nextjs, Remix and others) and other frameworks like Svelte, Vue, Solidjs, Qwik and Angular.

As a React Developer, we are experience innovation equivalent to that of JSX in the form of React Server Components while rest of the community is moving towards to Signal.

As a responsible web developer, we should be willing to accept every innovation that would move web development to the next level and never indulge in blind love/hate against an framework.

Becoming part of this group, you are taking one step closer to a unified web community.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events