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Yoga meets Transformational Breathwork ✨

Photo of Nadja Hansen
Hosted By
Nadja H.
Yoga meets Transformational Breathwork ✨


Hello you wonderful human 🌸

Ready to feel more vibrantly alive and consciously connected with your inner healer?

I am creating space for healing, nourishment and wonder on March 12th, 2023 because I believe that many of us are going through something - of smaller or bigger nature, looking for answers, hope or a relieve. 🙏

I am offering this container to provide you with tools that helped me putting my pieces together after being lost and always searching for answers that I wasn’t able to find until I turned inside.

We’ll be using Yoga and breathwork as a tool for emotional healing.
By focusing on our breath, we can become more aware of our emotions and release pent-up feelings that may be contributing to emotional distress.

This technique can also help to release negative emotions such as anger and fear, leading to a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Event Information


  • Introduction & instructions
  • Gentle 45min Yoga Sequence
  • Journaling exercise
  • Somatic Breathwork Journey
  • Sharing & questions and answers

Attending Event

  • Connect on Zoom 10 minutes prior to class start time and silence cell phones
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Refrain from eating 1.5 to 2 hours before practice
  • Yoga mat and a blanket might help you feel comfortable

I am inviting you be curious and open to the experience - it’ll be magical ✨🤍

Love and Light

Photo of Yoga & Transformational Breathwork by RebelLab group
Yoga & Transformational Breathwork by RebelLab
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