What we’re about
“People, like all forms of life, only change when something so disturbs them that they are forced to let go of their present beliefs. Nothing changes until we interpret things differently. Change occurs only when we let go of our certainty.” ~Dee Hock
Only those who have experienced what we have can truly understand and provide relevant support.
We will share and practice our recovery and healing processes from narcissistic abuse that can include relevant education, trauma recovery, mindfulness, diet, exercise, specific therapies, recovery writing, reframing etc...
This group will not rehash abuse stories over and over to trigger us, but will focus on moving forward and INTO recovery, changing the stress response pathways in the brain and learning to recognize and honor our internal awareness/instincts.
A FB page has been added for the group: https://www.facebook.com/Recovery-from-NarcissisticCluster-B-Abuse-in-Denver-1528662413835749/