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What we’re about

Monthly Potluck to discover and share just how delicious Vegan food can be!! This is to help us meet like-minded friends and to share with others that are Vegan-Curious. Anyone and Everyone is welcome (You do not need to be Vegan… we just ask that your dishes are purely plant-based and “safe” for those of us that are)

-Create your own, or follow a recipe, that is 100% meat, fish, egg, dairy and honey free
-BYOUP. (Bring your own utensils/plate)
-Show up without judgement. We honor all who join us… and we judge none for wherever they are along their food journey.
-Enjoy!! ( if you are new to this and struggling with what to bring….Don’t worry. Please just come and join us….Many of our members lovingly prepare multiple dishes… in hopes that exactly You… will join us.)

Upcoming events (2)

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