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If you work in the area and looking for a Happy Hour, Come to Hominy Restaurant & Lounge!

From: William S.
Sent on: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 9:16 AM
So, think about it. It's Friday, just got off work and you're looking for a place with a mature and professional happy hour atmosphere that you can relax, unwind and meet people for some great food, drinks, good quality scene and fun.
The recently remodeled space is quaint yet elegant with splashes of colors against sophisticated velvet walls with faux finishes, large glass windows and dark oak wood flooring. The Lounge area has sleek leather furnishing with very relaxing ambiance and is ideal for cocktail parties.


Drink & Food Specials:

$5 Appetizers: (includes)Roasted Scallops, Cornmeal Crusted Catfish, Grilled BBQ Spare Ribs, Jamaican Jerk Skewers and much more?
$5 Rail Mixed Drinks
$3 Beers import & domestic
Or order from Hominy's excellent menu while listening to oldskool R & B, Hip Hop, Reggae, chill lounge and Jazz.

Mixes provided by: DJ Super Scotty & "Cat Daddy" DJ Joe
(Kitchen Closes at 1am)

-For More INFO and RSVP: Call[masked] or [address removed]

- Metro: Green line across from the U street/ African Civil War Memorial/ Cardozo metro rail station
[masked]th Street, NW - Washington DC, 20001

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