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A New Industral Paradigm? Lean Coffee

Photo of Peter Stevens
Hosted By
Peter S. and Markus S.
A New Industral Paradigm? Lean Coffee


Ignition Talk: Peter Stevens on The Musk Companies: A new industrial paradigm?

Tesla, SpaceX, and other Musk companies are pioneering a new form of organization, disrupting every industry they enter with consistently superior innovation.

Unlike Taylor and Ford's management or Toyota's Lean Production, neither the Agile movement nor Holistic "Teal" organizations have transformed their respective fields, and Agile methods have not seen widespread adoption in Manufacturing.

This talk explores why Musk companies represent the future of industry, demonstrating a unique and transformative approach to business.

After the Ignition Talk, we'll move to "Lean Coffee" format (bring your topics, we sequence and discuss as much as time allows).

Call for participation! If you'd like to offer a short impulse talk, we'd be delighted! Kindly reach out to us.

We aim to meet for inspiration and discussion on a monthly basis, physically in Zurich. The format will be a "Lean coffee", made more exciting by (external) speakers who give an inspiration talk.

At our first event, we observed that a "lack of understanding of the problem," that is why optimize for innovation, is the most important and most urgent topic to address.

Who Should Attend?

  • Executives, Managers, and Thought Leaders at companies that produce physical or hybrid products.
  • Startup Founders, especially if you are planning to scale
  • Manufacturing professionals seeking to innovate and improve processes.
  • Newcomers to the manufacturing world eager to learn and contribute.
  • Anyone interested seeking to innovate faster and learn from companies like Tesla, SpaceX, Bosch and other top performers.

Did we say, call for participation? Would you like to offer a short (max 30 minute) inspirational talk? Reach out to the organizers.

Photo of Reinventing Manufacturing group
Reinventing Manufacturing
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Futureworks AG
Förrlibuckstrasse 10 · Zürich
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20 spots left