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Lean Coffee


We are happy to announce this meetup will be a recurring thing!

Our basic format is "Lean Coffee" (bring your topics, we sequence and discuss as much as time allows).

Ignition Talk: Call for participation! If you'd like to offer a short impulse talk, we'd be delighted! Kindly reach out to us.

We aim to meet for inspiration and discussion on a monthly basis, physically in Zurich. The format will be a "Lean coffee", made more exciting by (external) speakers who give an inspiration talk.

At our first event, we observed that a "lack of understanding of the problem," that is why optimize for innovation, is the most important and most urgent topic to address.

Who Should Attend?

  • Executives, Managers, and Thought Leaders at companies that produce physical or hybrid products.
  • Startup Founders, especially if you are planning to scale
  • Manufacturing professionals seeking to innovate and improve processes.
  • Newcomers to the manufacturing world eager to learn and contribute.
  • Anyone interested seeking to innovate faster and learn from companies like Tesla, SpaceX, Bosch and other top performers.

Did we say, call for participation? Would you like to offer a short (max 30 minute) inspirational talk? Reach out to the organizers.

Photo of Reinventing Manufacturing group
Reinventing Manufacturing
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Futureworks AG
Förrlibuckstrasse 10 · Zürich
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
20 spots left