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New Event: Trip to Bonaire August[masked]

From: kelly
Sent on: Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 5:21 PM
Announcing a new event for Triangle Scuba Meetup!

What: Trip to Bonaire August[masked]

When: Saturday, August 9, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Details to follow but if you want in, plan on this week.

The package price will likely NOT include airfare so if you have miles you want to use you should do it asap. I got a great flight on Delta using my miles.

Here is a recommendation from Jey about flights:

One tactic I've seen exercised consistently is this... See the schedule for Dutch Antilles Express? That's more like a suggestion than it is a strict schedule. If your "scheduled" flight doesn't fill to the capacity they would like, you're likely to be delayed until it does. On one occasion flying from Tobago back to Trinidad, my scheduled departure was 11am and we finally departed at 4pm, 5 flights later!

If anyone finds other flight options, please share with the group. My role as 'organizer' is really limited to the resort and dive operation piece but I'll be happy to try to assist with anything else that comes up.

My preference, of the options available, is American Airlines to Curacao and Durch Antilles Express to Bonaire. I've arrived as early as 4:30pm and as late as 8:30pm, all on the same itinerary. If that tells you anything.

(A caveat: I know of several travelers using Air Jamaica that have missed connections, either going or coming. They may have a fabulous "schedule" but beware.)

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