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New Event: Felix Trinidad-Roy Jones Fight

From: David C
Sent on: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 12:17 PM
Announcing a new event for Triangle Scuba Meetup!

What: Felix Trinidad-Roy Jones Fight

When: Saturday, January 19, 8:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: For all you fight fans(It will be interesting to see the intersection between divers and fight fans!) you know this is a huge fight. For anyone who is not a fight fan but wants a chance to drink with your dive buddies you are welcome as well.

Event Description: I'm still looking for the official start time. The fights might start as early as 8, but I would guess more like 9pm. It's BYOB and if those who come want to order food in we can do that as well. I'm paying for the fight but will gladly accept donations from those who want to give them. You will also get a chance to see the "home-brewed" and incomplete "theatre" in my basement(don't come expecting a lot!). Most of the seating will be on bar stools and we have room for 8. If the event is closed, which doubt will happen, email me and I'll actually arrange the seating to confirm that we could add a few more.

Looking forward to seeing you in the middle of the "cold water" season.

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