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RE: [scuba-131] Possible Party/Meeting at Gypsy Divers

From: David C
Sent on: Friday, March 14, 2008, 9:56 AM



Since you were the one person who responded directly to me(as opposed to just doing the survey) I want to let you know that the idea is still on the table…but the dates will be later…perhaps in april.  Some debate going on about what we want this to be about….I will keep you and the others posted as it develops.


I also have two friends(Mom and 14 year old daughter) that are planning/hoping to get certified in the next few months.




From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Susan
Sent: Sunday, March 02,[masked]:19 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [scuba-131] Possible Party/Meeting at Gypsy Divers


I’m in…and my daughter would be there too as well as a possible friend of hers that wants to get certified. 






From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Bambi
Sent: Sunday, March 02,[masked]:01 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [scuba-131] Possible Party/Meeting at Gypsy Divers


sounds great too me !!!!!


----- Original Message -----

From: David C

To: [address removed]

Sent: Sunday, March 02,[masked]:25 PM

Subject: [scuba-131] Possible Party/Meeting at Gypsy Divers


Please look at the poll related to a possible get together at Gypsy Divers. I was talking to Dave Farrar(he's the owner for anyone who does not know him) about a couple of friends plans to get certified and mentioned our group. After a brief conversation he indicated that he would be glad to host a party for us. At this point this is a preliminary survey to see if there is sufficient interest to warrant pursuing specifics with Dave. I thought it would be a great way for those of you who want to get certified to have questions answered by "the experts" and possibly test out various types of gear. One of the great services Gypsy provides is the opportunity to test all the different fins they sell before you buy their pool full of 87 degree water!

Please act quickly on this so we can make plans if they seem appropriate.


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