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Re: [scuba-131] Saturday meeting

From: Julie B.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:53 AM
I live beside Crossroads so that is always better for me, I know Kyle lives at I40 and Hwy 42 in Johnston County, Carolyn lives at North Hills, Janet lives at 540 and Leesville.


Charles wrote:

I may not make it because I have an afternoon function and I have a long drive (I live in Greensboro).  Obviously somewhere west of Raleigh and close to the I-40 would be encouraging for me.  But I'm still only a maybe . . . so this is only a little feedback.

From: David C <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Mon, March 8, [masked]:52:21 PM
Subject: [scuba-131] Saturday meeting

To those of you who aren't coming to the meeting saturday...forgive this email blast.....I hope you will come if you can as I hope that this will be a powerful kickoff meeting for the year.

When we have met at restaurants/bars in the past its been nothing short of a fiasco with on exception and that was an environment where it was impossible to have a conversation that 8 people could hear, much less 15-20. Lets shoot for a place that has a private room of some sort that we can get if at all possible.

Rick knows a place at crossroads I can call...not knowing what the "center of gravity" of our group of attendees is I suspect thats pretty far south and west ... but perhaps not. If everyone would "change" their rsvp to include where they are coming from...and what "radius" of locations would result in you coming(as opposed to bailing) that would help a lot.

We have generally tried to meet in the southpoint area in the past, brier creek is a possiblity, and perhaps crossroads where Rick knows a place. Do you know any places that have private rooms that we can meet at? I can find several BBQ places that would probably take us in....but that's not really the kind of food that fits our group(although I sure eat it!).


I think I need to be on the phone by tomorrow at the latest...finding a place on ACC tournament weekend may not be all that easy.....I might be able to line up the Mellow Mushroom in Wake Forest.....

Hopefully everyone will put their two cents in!


Looking forward to meeting everyone...and getting a good read on the type of diving you are all hoping to do. Be in NC coastal day trips or weekends....or much longer trips to the caribbean....

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