What we’re about
Many people wait a lifetime to reach retirement and then have no idea how to live. "Being retired" is very different from "getting retired". "Being retired" includes but involves much more than financial planning. It requires attention to health, nutrition, nurturing interests and intellectual pursuits and personal relationships. What good is retirement if you can't enjoy it? Retirement Prep should involve much more than a visit to a financial planner (but that's important too).
There is a difference between having a career and having a life. Many people have spend so much time at their careers that they don't know how how to have a life in retirement.
The purpose of this group is to invite speakers to speak on various aspects of how to "live a happy, healthy, productive and stimulating life". The speakers topics will include various aspects of:
- aging
- health
- fitness
- travel
- financial management
- continuing education
- books
- personal relationships
Meetings are expected to be monthly.
Look forward to meeting you.