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What we’re about

Welcome to Retirement, Social Security, and More!

This group is for those who are interested in learning about Social Security and retirement planning … in plain English.

If you are separated, divorced (re-singled), or widowed and are looking for the practical information to help you be confident about your financial future, then you are in the right place.

The group is open to men as well who truly care about the women in their lives.

Before becoming a financial advisor, your host Burt Williamson, was an interior designer in a family business that helped people love their homes by providing solutions for enduring taste.

Now, he helps people have confidence in the financial decisions they make about their future, whether married, single, divorced or widowed.

Join Burt for some informative, interactive meetings, where you can learn along with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests and concerns.

Navigate the next stage of your life with confidence in a relaxed way from the comfort of your home.