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Check out The Beagle Society!

From: cole m.
Sent on: Saturday, November 3, 2012, 5:26 PM
John Farrell Kuhns, owner of the H.M.S. Beagle Science Shop in Parkville, Mo, has started a new meetup.  Check it out. The Beagle Society:

Cole Morgan[masked]

A presentation from members of the KC Freethinkers Monday Nov 19, 7 to 9pm  at the H.M.S. Beagle:

180 English Landing Drive, Suites 110 & 120, ParkvilleMO (map)

Learn about freethinkers and skeptics, what it all means. If you're a scientist, a teacher, a student, a politician, or just curious a citizen this presentation is for you.
Cole Morgan will talk about the very active freethought/freethinking/skeptic community (KC FreeThinkers) in Kansas City.  He'll explain how he helped collect & organize twelve groups over the past four years, which scatter from the center to all corners of KC and are of many flavors from speakers on education and sciences to purely social including all cultures and ages from 18 years old and up.
Josh Hyde, leader of their Northland group, will also join Cole and tell us how he became an active asset within this KC movement. While promoting these groups with a billboard in 2008, writing for the KC Star, newspaper interviews, radio and TV Cole had plenty of wonderful help from many co-organizers. "These fantastic networking groups work because of so much help within our community," Cole said.  Join Cole and Josh to see how it all came together and how KC FreeThinkers works in harmony with other KC groups! If you're skeptical then this is the presentation for you!
Members of this Meetup group and of the Beagle Society are free; all other will be asked for a $5.00 fee.