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Atheist/Minister Don Bell will talk on his adventures at the Census Bureau this coming Sat, May 18, 7pm at Price Chopper.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 7:59 PM

Midwest Skeptics Society:

Atheist/Minister Don Bell will talk on his adventures at the Census Bureau this coming Sat, May 18, 7pm at Price Chopper. Don is one of my favorites. You'll love his stories on this topic. Don't miss this night. Cole Morgan[masked] RSVP:[masked]/

Don will talk about his life employed at the Census Bureau. He has told me some very interesting stories over the years. You don't want to miss this.

He has been in some neighborhoods that have been rather risky. Don is a great story teller.

This is from Don Bell:

U.S Census Bureau: "The Quiet Bureau." There are many field reps all over this country every month askingquestions about employment, finance, crime, housing, construction,health and spending etc. I liked the job and working for the Census.It is a great way to meet all kinds of people in many states, cities, towns, and ruralareas.


We'll go to the Blue Moose afterwards.....................................!

Cole Morgan[masked] [address removed]