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check it out!!!! residual income biz opp

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 10:51 PM

Sorry guys, the video did not attach -
here's the link -



Dear Cashflow Club members,

At the cashflow game this evening, Mila and Doug shared with me this online business opportunity that I thought you might want to check it out!

* Cash back from online shopping
* Build passive and residual income
* Save money while shopping

Watch this 2 minutes intro video

To discuss this business opportunity, call Mila[masked] (tell her Rudy at the SoCal Cashflow Club asked you to call her and she will give you FREE LIFETIME CASHBACK CARD --- no obligation to buy anything!!!! )


Have a great evening!

-Rudy L. Kusuma


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