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What we’re about

Are you an achiever stuck in a continuous cycle of striving and disappointment?

The 3 Principles is an understanding of the nature of our experience. People who explore this understanding find that their lives transform. Our conversation is based on the books and talks of Syney Banks, and enlightened Scottish mystic. If you already know of the 3 Principles, join our next event!

If this is your first time exploring the Principles behind life, we are so excited to meet you. Watch intractable problems dissolve. Find more mindfulness and connection to the moment. Discover a natural joy that was there all along. Expect conversation with a community that is filled with good feeling.

In this community, we explore a conversation that will help you relax back into presence.

If you want more:
mental peace, love, natural joy, clarity, presence

and less:
anxiety, self judgment, overthinking, conflict

Then join Rich Life Realization!

There won't be - techniques, habits, or hacks.There will be - soulful listening, spiritual truths, and insightful conversation.

Together, we explore the richest life possible. My legal name is Rich Life. An educator and coach with more than 10 years experience, I use metaphor and in the moment wisdom to help achievers stop striving and start flowing. Join us if you want to learn to work and live in a new way! As a 3 Principles Apprentice Practitioner, my approach is based on the 3 Principles understanding of Sydney Banks.

For a better idea about what this group is about, find the Rich Life Realization Podcast on youtube or your favorite podcast host. Find the Rich Life Realization Blog at

Your vibrant life is a single thought away.

Upcoming events (1)

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