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Understand word embeddings using tidy data principles with Julia Silge

Photo of Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Hosted By
Mine Ç. and Karim R.
Understand word  embeddings using  tidy data principles with Julia Silge


For our April meetup we're so very lucky to have Julia Silge join us! Julia is a data scientist and software engineer at RStudio where she works on open-source modeling tools. She is also the co-author of Tidy Text Mining with R ( Julia is keynoting at satRdays Newcastle on April 4, and passing through Edinburgh on her way there. We recommend checking out for a great, nearby R event as well!

Understand word embeddings using tidy data principles

Modern NLP frameworks often depend on word embeddings, a way of statistically modeling language where words or phrases are mapped to vectors of real numbers. In this talk, we’ll work to understand word embeddings by investigating how we can generate them using count-based statistics and dimensionality reduction, then learn how to make use of pre-trained embeddings based on enormous datasets. Finally, we’ll explore the ethical issues involved in using word embeddings and how they can amplify systemic and historical bias.


Q: Are men welcome to attend this event?
A: Our primary mission is to encourage more women and non-binary individuals to get involved in the R community. As such, we strongly encourage that all men who attend this event have a female or non-binary sponsor. Please contact if you have questions.

Additionally, please help us by spreading the word about R-Ladies, and by being respectful of the fact that this event is primarily for women/non-binary/female-identifying individuals.

Photo of R-Ladies Edinburgh group
R-Ladies Edinburgh
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