- R-Ladies NYC Lightning Talks!Link visible for attendees
We are excited to host an online version of one our most popular events - R-Ladies NYC Lightning Talks - on Sunday, October 6th at 4pm EST. Fill out this very brief form to submit a 5-minute talk for the event! https://forms.gle/3ahdFtx6eLDHvxeE9
What are lightning talks?
Lighting talks are five minute talks. You can talk about anything R, Python, Tech, and/or Data Science related. Looking for ideas? How about talking about a cool package you found, how you use R/Python in your company, a favorite learning resource, your journey into Data Science, or a side project you've been working on?Prior lightning talk topics include: 1-Automating Reports with Gmailr; 2-Using Shiny to Avoid Boring Tasks at Work; 3-How to Do VLOOKUP in R; 4-Balancing Business and Technical Requirements; 5-Pie Charts: Friend or Foe?
Interested in proposing a talk but want to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, or some encouragement? We're here to help! You can attend one of our Prep & Brainstorm Workshops, join #lightningtalks channel in our slack channel, or email nyc@rladies.org. We would be happy to set up a time to talk with you!
Are men welcome to give a lightning talk? Yes, men are welcome. Our mission is to encourage more women and non-binary individuals to get involved in the R community. Please help us by spreading the word about R-Ladies, and by being respectful of the fact that this event is primarily for women/non-binary/female-identifying individuals. We will prioritize women and non-binary individuals for the talks, but encourage all to apply!
We would especially love to hear from people who have not presented at a meetup or conference before. A lightning talk can be a great way to start out speaking, as it's quick, low-prep, and fun!
Important Dates
- Prep & Brainstorm Workshops (optional): Thursday 9/12 or 9/19
- Submissions due: Friday 9/20 https://forms.gle/3ahdFtx6eLDHvxeE9
- Notification of acceptance: Wednesday 9/25
- Speakers to Confirm Participation: Friday 9/27
- Submit slides to R-Ladies: Friday 10/04
- Lightning Talk Event: Sunday 10/06