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Fw: Gibson Guitars Raid

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 8:29 AM

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Noah <[address removed]>
To: Noah <[address removed]>
Subject: Gibson Guitars Raid
Date: Mon, 29 Aug[masked]:26:57 -0500


Thought you might like to hear about this. The video is long but
worth watching.

It would be a good idea to contact your Senators & Congressman
and ask them why this happened & what they will do to keep this
from happening to other businesses in America. If you live in TN
you may want to contact the Governor, State Reps & County
Sheriffs. I would ask just like the CEO of Gibson asked; why a
SWAT team? If there was a problem why not talk about it & figure
out what is wrong? This is not the way things should work in the
USA & it is your job to do something about it. This was a dark
deed that needs to be exposed to light, please forward. It we
see something wrong & we do nothing about it we have no right to


Read the following about a raid Gibson Guitars in Nashville -
lost 580 jobs.

"The line in the sand should have been drawn long ago!  Abuse of 
federal police power must come to an abrupt end. This time its
the Gibson Guitar Corporation in Nashville and Memphis.


I hope the musicians have had THEIR fill of it now!  If this
doesn't lead to a massive concert in Nashville that marks the
end of the line for this abuse of federal police powers I don't
know WHAT it will take for the American people to awake from the
self induced coma.  Remember, this (like the recent raw milk
raids) is an actual raid and  unlawful confisication of
property.  The federal police powers are most often used to
intimidate but seldom, albeit increasingly, they raid.  
The intimidation is happening on a daily basis and it's
increasing at an  alarming rate.

The raw milk raids and now the Gibson Guitar Corporation are like
the  very tip of the the iceberg. The massive cancer of abuse of
federal police powers lies mostly out of sight in our nation, it
has grown steadily without significant uprising to stop it and
it is as deadly as the berg that sunk the Titanic. 

Maybe the line IS in Nashville!"

Marcelo D. Muñoz

State Coordinator,

Campaign for Liberty in Alabama


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constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a
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