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Re: [rlccef] FW: [New post] THE REAL DARCY ADDO!

From: richard c.
Sent on: Sunday, July 3, 2016, 9:26 AM
I hope one question is asked of all candidates and it be a 100% yes or 100% no and no equivication is allowed.

Are you for (as in will you vote yes or no) for special transgender rights as ORDERED by Loretta Lynch the AG.

Regardless of what LIARS yes I said Liars, Kneesey and Ziegler say, it does require that BPS instantly change the name of the student from Richard to Linda and the gender from Male to female at the mere asking. All the student must do is walk in to the registrar and DECLARE the change. It is against the law and we can be sued if we ask for any supporting proof. A doctors letter, a psychologist letter, pulling down pants to prove, is specifically not allowed.

The student that used to be Richard is now Linda and can shower in the girls locker room with the girls even if he still has dangling man parts. The school  can not stop or attempt to stop him/her because that will cause embarrassment and violation of his/her civil rights.

What's even better the girls in the shower with the him/her dangling parts and all can NOT run out yelling their head off and refusing to go back in there till the him/her mental patient is removed WHY because they to will be violating the civil rights of Richard/Linda/

Think not? Read the 9 page directive. It ends with "this is in no way considered to be law, it is only our policy and if you don't comply with our policy we will cut your funds off.

So there is no law! Just the whim of a few people that are using threat of money to further their social re-engineering.

READ the 9 pages.

So far

Blackburn 100% for
Ziegler 100% for.
Darcy addo 100% for
Kneesey 100% for.
Susin 100% for
Finch 100% for.
Henderson against
Tina Descovitch dancing around trying to please the School Board and the Union.
Dana DeSantis on the phone against BUT won't put it in writing.
Dean 100% against.
Craig against.
Richard 150% against because it is NOT law and even if it were it tramples on the 10th Amendment. AND it is INSANE.

NOTE: Tina Descovitch and Dana DeSantis had the opportunity to say 100% no at the Progressive Alliance Debate BUT CONVEINTLY THEY HAD OTHER COMMITMENTS BECAUSE THE QUESTION WAS ANNOUNCED IT WOULD BE ASKED.

NOW is the time to ask you are for or you are against.
Misty Belford 100% for.

Richard Charbonneau

Satellite Beach Fl 32937 


Political advertisement paid for and approved by Richard Charbonneau, candidate for Brevard County School Board, District 3

From: Bob White <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, July 3,[masked]:08 AM
Subject: [rlccef] FW: [New post] THE REAL DARCY ADDO!

Ms. Addo accepted our invitation to participate in our school board candidates forum and straw poll on Tuesday night. Here's some info that Ham put together regarding her political / education philosophies. Please join us Tuesday evening for what will be a very informative meeting!

RLCCEF General Membership Meeting - School Board Candidates Forum and Straw Poll
MeMaw's BBQ - 600 E. Eau Gallie Blvd.
Social hour at 6:00 / Meeting at 7:00

We're expecting a large crowd. Come early for a good seat and bring your friends!

In Liberty!

Bob White
Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida

Date: Sat, 2 Jul[masked]:41:11 +0000
To: [address removed]
From: [address removed]
Subject: [New post] THE REAL DARCY ADDO!
C. Hamilton Boone posted: "Hi all, The screen shots that I have included at the bottom of this post are from Ms. Addo's original website for school board(see top of pages), but because, as she says, is "honest" and "authentic"(wink wink), it in no way resembles the website that is "

New post on C Hamilton Boone's "All Freedoms" Blog


by C. Hamilton Boone
Hi all, The screen shots that I have included at the bottom of this post are from Ms. Addo's original website for school board(see top of pages), but because, as she says, is "honest" and "authentic"(wink wink), it in no way resembles the website that is up now. Please, after reviewing what is below, take a look at her present website. […]
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