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Fw: Join me for Lunch & Phone Calls for David Jolly Saturday

From: Karyn M.
Sent on: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 2:55 AM

If you can spare some time on Saturday, February 22nd, please come down to help.

David Jolly is running for Congress against Alex Sink.  Calls will be made to some of the 100,000 Republicans who have requested but not yet returned their absentee ballots.

See below for details.  Thanks! 
Karyn Morton, Chair, RLCNEF

Phone Calls
David Jolly
Please help elect a Republican to Congress
David Jolly
Saturday, February 21
10 am - 3 pm
Come for an hour or more.
I'm buying lunch!!

Republican Party Headquarters 
3730 Beach Boulevard - 2 blocks WEST of Kuhn Flowers
Jacksonville, FL 32207
904 -[masked]
There are still over 100,000 unreturned Absentee Ballots
in Congressional District 13 (St. Petersburg). This going to be a close election and we need your help. 

Are you able to donate an hour or two this week to help elect David?
Each phone call you make, equals a vote. Let's get these ballots returned and filled out for David Jolly!
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Republican Party of Duval County | 3730 Beach Boulevard | Jacksonville | FL | 32207

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